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Riverbank Buffet: You Are What You Eat

This project, starting in March 2021 will be ongoing throughout this summer

Much like a buffet, this project brings together several different foods and food production methods from around the world, into a single palette on a single plate where all can enjoy anywhere. Where it differs, is that it is focused on microbiomes and identity where locality shapes individual microbiomes, through the exposures to local grown food with hybrid production methods.

We will be doing several activities including experiments in fermentation and R&D into riverside farming. The goal is to create a diverse biotope that is localised to a single ship mooring spot, in an industrialised area of Linz (an industrial city) that shows how easily reversible industrial impact can be in terms of human adaptation in regards to agricultural production, through a combination of innovative techniques and traditional methods.

Our Experiments:

  • Guts2Garum - using fish waste to make fermented fish sauce from my tilapia harvest and from invasive species
  • Slugs4Slugs- use a Korean method to ferment slugs and use them as both a repellant and organic fertiliser
  • Bohnen Boot - make an 'Eleanore' cheese + design/plan a concept for growing beans on the ship to install in April/May
  • Dirt Rice Koji - design a bamboo hydroponic rice with syphoned Traun water and compost to install in April
  • Dach in Flammen - design an experimental concept for growing rooftop chillies with a managed watering system
  • Salty Sweet- looking at the use of saline methods for crop cultivation in a refined and contained riverside setting, growing samphire, onions and garlic
For more info contact